Wednesday, April 25, 2012

America is not old-white-male enough?

Recall Bryant remarking that conservatives support while males and the top 1% of the economic pie, while liberals the marginalized voices like women and minorities. It is then no surprise that in these polls Romney is leading Obama in only 1 category, while males over 50, while Obama leads with women and minorities.

This issue could not be made any clearer than what has been argued in the Supreme Court these past few days, the so-called Arizona “papers please” law that allows blatant racial profiling to send illegal immigrants packing back to where they came from. The conservative spin is that they're breaking the law so it's justified. The conservative majority of the Court, no surprise, seems to back the law. But are the motives for such legislation more insidious that what is spun?

Rachel Maddow's usual fine reporting notes that the creators of the AZ bill are Kris Kobach and Michael Hethmon. They have both done the same in other States. Kobach was recently announced as Romney's adviser on immigration policy, as Romney thinks these laws should serve as a model for the entire US. Hethmon though inadvertently revealed the true motive of the legislation: To make it increasingly difficult for immigrants, legal or otherwise, from coming to America because they know they will gum up our electoral process by voting for liberals. In other words, we want to keep our country nice and white, protect it from those foreign, colored invaders.

This is the same motive behind the regressive and draconian conservative push in many States to require very particular types of ID in order to vote, such ID being most difficult to obtain by whom? You guessed it: the poor and minorities, i.e., not white guys over 50. Bottom line, democracy offends the latter demographic and especially the 1% so we must find all means possible to disenfranchise the 99%. And/or keep them from even coming here in the first place.

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