Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Corporate Democrats want to take down Sanders

Hartmann is right on in this analysis. The corporate Democrats, including those that run their media outlets (including MSNBC), cannot abide an 'outsider' like Sanders getting the nomination for their Party. They fear he'll chase away the big money that buys government. Duh, yeah, that's the point you pinheads. God forbid should we get big money out of campaigns and go with Sanders' Bill that institutes public financing of elections. In the linked clip of Matthews interviewing Wasserman Schultz on Sanders he tries to denigrate Sanders as a socialist. Too bad Wasserman Schultz is herself a corporate Democrat or she would have responded to him, like Hartmann does about the definition of democratic socialism: "Providing a strong social safety net for the poor, and setting the rules of the game of business so that if you work a 40-hour week you can make enough to not live in poverty but to live a middle class life."

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