Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Senator Warren grills Sec. of Education nominee

She establishes that the nominee DeVos has absolutely no experience with student loans. And DeVos smirks proudly when asked these questions, as if having no experience for this important job is a badge of honor. Which of course is pretty much true of Twamp himself and his other nominees, who have nothing but contempt for government and whose goal is to extract as much wealth from the public and funnel it to their own business interests.

When asked how she would prevent waste, fraud and abuse of public funds much like Twamp University, DeVos had no ideas about how to do that but only spoke, like Twamp, about broad generalities and empty promises with nothing specific. When Warren asked her to commit to enforcing rules already on the books in the Education Department, DeVos talked around the question and did not answer directly. DeVos has only one goal as head of this department; to gut it into oblivion so as to turn it into a profit-center for private education with Twamp University as the exemplar.

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